Primary HEPA Filter for HEPA Air Filter - 500 CFM Air Scrubber and Dri-eaz HEPA 500 CFM Air Scrubbers.
2Kg, 48mm H × 55mm W × 410mm D
Primary HEPA Filter for HEPA Air Filter - 500 CFM Air Scrubber and Dri-eaz HEPA 500 CFM Air Scrubbers.
This Primary Filter is H13 rated to collect 99.97% of particles at 0.3 microns in size.

Typical Uses
- Mould and Indoor Air Cleanup - Remove dangerous moulds and VOC’s from the air in contaminated spaces and are a vital component of decontamination.
- Restoration and Construction - Used to filter out floating particles and dust, necessary for most remediation works under IICRC guidelines.
- Allergy, Dust and Soot Control - HEPA Air Scrubbers are perfect for helping make the air safer after fires and can reduce allergy and dust reactions by removing particles from the air.
- Clean Rooms and Server rooms - Used to keep floating particles to a minimum and ensure airborne contaminants are captured safely without compromising room cleanliness.