Mould Remediation in Brisbane Home
We were called by our insurance client to attend and restore a property which suffered a broken water filter pipe connector within sink cupboard at upper level Kitchen. Unfortunately the incident occurred while occupants were overseas, with an ongoing water leak over a long period of time before being noticed by neighbour.

#Summary of The Damage Caused
- Collapsed ceiling in downstairs area room area
- Saturated humid environment
- Mouldy plasterboard ceiling debris scattered in room
- Wet and heavy visual mould contamination to Rumpus Room, Bedrooms 2 and 3, Store 1, Hallway and linen cupboards, primary contaminated areas including walls, ceiling and fit-out cabinetry,
- Strong mould odour throughout
- Heavy MVOC's off gassing
- Heavy visual mould to ceiling cavity and general contents
- Wet and saturated solid timber floor in Kitchen, Family Room, Dining and Entry, visual peaking/cupping at joints
- Some visual mould to timber floor and wall bases along Kitchen, Family Room, Dining and Entry, hidden mould in wall cavities Wet and water damaged kitchen cabinetry near source,
- Mould contamination to under voids of cupboards

#How we Removed the Mould
Initial Steps, Containment and Hepa Filtration
- SWMS, OH&S completed and complied
- Make safe plumbing works - isolate water supply and cap-off drains, by plumber
- Install mould containment - Ensure isolation of primary mould contaminated area from other areas (secondary affected areas. Electrical make safe Implement HEPA filtration and negative air venting as required, to remove and manage airborne mould spores and other particulate and improve air quality during work process throughout both levels as required.
- Complete strip-out to ceiling and walls to Rumpus room, Bathrooms, Hallway, Bedroom 2 & 3 and possibly other areas, as required strip, remove all cabinetry fit-out and dispose
Removal of Mould
- Mould remediation to exposed timbers, stud walls, timber floor, joists, beams, ceiling frames, etc - physical removal of mould by extensive HEPA vacuuming, abrasive scrubbing, wet wipe and treat. Mould remediation to building horizontal and vertical surfaces including walls, kitchen cupboards, ceiling, cornices, doors, remaining cabinetry, windows, etc - by HEPA vacuuming, wash/wipe, treat with microfibre cloth and appropriate cleaning solution.
- Pressure clean and treat concrete slab, tiled areas and other hard floor surfaces antimicrobial knockdown treatment, H2O2 vaporisation or similar, as required structural drying of wet building materials
- Encapsulated timbers with encapsulant sealer (IAQ6100)
- Provide protection covering to timber floor in entrance and including stairwell. Remove skirting boards, strip-out plasterboard up to 1200mm high in primary affected areas, extent of stripping depending upon concealed mould growth in cavities. Remove kick panels in kitchen, assess mould damage to kitchen bench cupboard - may requires removal.
- Antimicrobial knockdown treatment, H2O2 vaporisation or similar, as required. Structural drying of wet building materials Encapsulate timbers with encapsulant sealer (IAQ6100)
- Progress remediation verification sampling and testing - by others (independent hygienist)

Mould Containment Used at top of stairs

Floors Pressure washed Negative Air and Hepa Filtration

Drying Equipment Used
Job was completed within the time frame. All independent mould verification testing passed.